Earn your 500-Hour RYT Certification in 9 months
Take the next step in your practice by diving into Advanced Yoga Studies
Whether you’re a teacher or not, our Advanced Studies weekends are open to anyone
It’s your education, at your own pace
~ for life-long learners – both teachers and students alike ~
How it works
Complete the 5 Required Courses + your choice of 5 Elective Courses to earn your 300-hr RYT (certified through Yoga Alliance). Combined with your 200-hr RYT, you will become a 500-hr RYT, which is the highest international standard for yoga teachers. After completing this program, you can register as an Advanced Yoga Teacher or RYT-500 and lead Teacher Trainings yourself. Begin your 300-hr journey any time - you can complete your 10 courses over 9 months, 18 months, or longer. You can work through this at your own pace. We offer the 300-hr courses year-round but generally focus on the core curriculum from October through March of each year.
Interested in just one or two courses? No problem! Join us for one or more courses, or dip your toe in by enrolling in any of our core curriculum or elective courses. Our 300-hr Advanced Studies courses (30-hours each) also count as Continuing Education credits with your Yoga Alliance registration.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the in-person 300-hour yoga teacher training structured, and what is the schedule?
Our 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training consists of 10 modules (5 required/core modules in yoga philosophy, anatomy, and 5 electives of your choice), which can be taken in any order, and are scheduled throughout the year. Each module consists of 30 hours of study.
Programs for each module typically start at 6:00 pm Friday evening and end by 5:30 pm on Sunday. The weekend schedule is 7:30 am to 5:30 or 6:00 pm, or as scheduled.
Is the curriculum different for the online versus the in-person training?
There is no difference in the 300-hour advanced yoga training online curriculum. However, there is additional one-on-one mentoring with Hot Yoga East Nashville Faculty made available to our students taking the training online. We will work with our online students to observe their teaching and application of the methods to ensure that we are preparing you to be effective and inspirational yoga teachers.
How will the online sessions be held and shared?
All sessions of the advanced teacher training will be held by Zoom video call. Links, passwords, and more information will be shared once you are registered for the 300-hour teacher training. The online sessions will be recorded so you can review the material or watch and complete the sessions at a later date if you have a scheduling conflict that has been discussed with your Lead Trainer.
Do you need to be a yoga teacher or have a 200-hr training to participate in the 300-hour advanced yoga studies?
No, you are not required to have completed any training prior to participating in the 300-hour courses. Anyone is welcome to register for the full curriculum or to join us for any of the modules offered in the advanced yoga studies. These courses offer a unique opportunity for growth in one’s knowledge of yoga and personal yoga practice. We often have non-yoga teachers join our courses and receive feedback that participants enjoy these courses and the opportunity to dive deeper into subjects that are of particular interest to them.
Is this 300-hour teacher training Yoga Alliance certified?
Yes, our 300-hour program is certified with Yoga Alliance under the registered yoga school - Rising Wolf Yoga School, and we have great reviews you can read on the Yoga Alliance website.
Is there homework, additional study, or required personal practice hours?
Yes, there is a Reading List for each module/course, and you will be required to read at least one book from the list. We encourage all of our students and our yoga teachers to have a regular personal practice and to attend public yoga classes during their training and throughout their careers as yoga teachers. Several of the modules with include teaching practice both at home and during the course in order to prepare you to become more advanced as a yoga teacher.
I am a 200-hour certified yoga teacher. What are the benefits of enrolling in a 300-hour teacher training?
The 300-hour advanced teacher training is an opportunity to enhance your personal yoga practice while expanding your teaching skills. As the saturation level of 200-hr yoga teachers continues to grow, studios require teachers with more in-depth training and the ability to teach to wider varieties of students, including beginners, advanced practitioners, and people with unique limitations or special needs. The 300-hour teacher training allows the time and attention to devote to these skills, as well as the opportunity to study any of the yoga philosophies, disciplines or areas of study that you personally want to know more about in your elective studies.
What distinguishes the Hot Yoga of East Nashville 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training?
Hot Yoga of East Nashville has been training and mentoring the best yoga teachers in Nashville since 2013. The Rising Wolf registered yoga school offers a profound learning experience in our advanced yoga studies. You will become absorbed in both the yoga practice & yoga philosophy, as well as welcomed into a loving and thriving community of like-minded peers. Through rigorous yoga classes, advanced studies, and teaching practice, you are invited deeply embody what you are learning. You will become more empowered as a yoga teacher by integrating the teaching methodology of the ancient traditions or lineages coupled with the integration of contemporary wisdom and scientific study.
What specific skills will I develop in each module?
Each module brings an advanced skill, yoga philosophy or sister science into focus, allowing for in-depth study, contemplation and practice in each subject (much more so than in a 200-hr training). This allows you the time to learn and integrate these skills into your personal practice and the yoga classes that you will teach. These include, but are not limited to: advanced sequencing, meditation, pranayama, ayurveda, yin and restorative yoga, origins of the modern practice through the yoga sutras, advanced anatomy, and techniques for teaching trauma-informed yoga. In each of the courses offered, teachers are given tools to integrate the practices into teaching effective yoga classes for every level.
Is there a time limit to start or complete all ten modules?
No, you may begin taking the modules any time, you may take them in any order, and you may complete the modules in any timeframe. However, most students complete the 300-hour training within two years.
Who will I be learning from?
Our faculty are highly trained, longtime practitioners, each with a unique teaching methodology from various yoga lineages and specializations to give our students a well-rounded education. Find out more about our faculty.
Will I be able to teach yoga after completing the 300-hr yoga teacher training?
Yes, your dream of becoming a yoga teacher is possible through this training! Whether you have completed a 200-hr teacher training or not, you will learn traditional and progressive teaching skills at one of the only advanced yoga teacher trainings offered in Nashville, or northwest Montana. You will get plenty of teaching practice, and when combined with the knowledge you will learn and your personal practice, you will be well-prepared to teach public yoga classes. You may need a 200-hr training, depending on the requirements of the studio you wish to teach at, but there is no governing law that would require any additional training to this advanced teacher training.
Do the 300-hour yoga teacher training modules count as Continuing Education credits though Yoga Alliance?
Yes, many of the 300-hour modules qualify as 30 credit hours toward continuing education required of yoga teachers through Yoga Alliance every 2 years. These include, but are not limited to, our courses in Advanced Yoga Sequencing, Yin Yoga, Advanced Meditation, Restorative Yoga, Advanced Hands-On Assists, The Living Yoga Sutras & Origins of the Modern Yoga Practice, Advanced Yoga Anatomy, Teaching from the Heart: Discover Your Unique Gifts as a Yoga Teacher, The Practice of Sound Healing, Advanced Pranayama, and Advanced Ayurvedic Studies.
becoming a 500-RYT / our 500-hour yoga teacher training
Will I gain my Yoga Alliance 500-RYT (500-hour yoga registered yoga teacher) through this program?
Yes, you will receive an official 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Certification after you pass the final exams and have completed all the course materials and quizzes. Once you receive your certificate, you can register with Yoga Alliance if you choose. The 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training combined with your previous 200-hour teacher training will then make you a 500-hour registered yoga teacher, per Yoga Alliance standards under our registered yoga school.
If you still have questions, please contact us at hotyogaeastnashville@gmail.com